What's with you guys? I came here to tell your listeners some very
important information. I didn't come here to talk about some washed
up actor like Andy Griffin. I'm here to tell your listeners that
every word Mick Russell said is true and I can prove it.
How are you going to prove it, Lloyd?
Just shut up for a minute and I'll tell you. When I was in Dusty's
Tavern I overheard Nurse Carrie and Dennis the mortician talking.
Nurse Carrie said that she was in an operating room at the hospital
while a surgical team was performing an autopsy on a creature from
outer space. Look, I copied down a picture of it on the sleeve of my
Lloyd moved towards the two radio announcers to let them get a better
look at the picture that he drew on his sleeve.
Whoa! This is cool dude. Lloyd, you are the man!
Let' see. I'm looking at the picture now. The creature has an
enormous head with large oval eyes. It's probably only about three or
four feet tall by the looks of it. It's skin color appears to be a
blend of gray and green.
No, that's a mistake on my drawing. While I was shading in the gray
with a pencil I had to sneeze. I didn't have any Kleenex so I had to
wipe my nose on my sleeve.
So does that mean its skin color is all gray?
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