Friday, 30 March 2012

page 66

Page sixty-six


Narrator: While waiting for Hoss, Harvey starts pulling some of the
cactus prickles out of his backside. He turns around quickly to hear
rattling and hissing sounds behind him.

Hoss: Watch out Harv! There's a big rattler coiled up and ready to strike right behind you. Don't worry I'll try to scare him off.

Narrator: Hoss hurls the roll of toilet paper at the rattlesnake. This just startles the snake. The rattlesnake retaliates by biting Harvey in the backside.

Harvey: Hoss, get me to the Roswell Hospital fast! I need to get a shot of the antidote for the snake venom.

Act Nine Scene Two:

Narrator: It is now time to bring back two characters from my previous play, The Escaped Convict. The two characters are Steve Wyler and Harry O'Finsky. In my last play, Steven Wyler and Harry O'Finsky were in a wrestling match with Hulk Hogan and Jake the Snake Roberts. There is mass chaos breaking out in the ring. Steve Tyler grabs Harry O'Finsky who is disguised as the Masked Mauler. The two convicts run backstage and enter an old storage room near the back of the arena.

Steve: We'll be safe in here for a little while, Harry. I had to get you out of the ring before we both got arrested or killed. As I was looking around the arena I saw the Warden as well as those two cons

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